Friday, 31 October 2008
Noel's House Party

The TV programme 'Noel's House Party' has been an influence on another poster that I am producing that highlights the process of a product catching your eye. I used to watch and enjoy the programme broadcast live every Saturday night because of its mix of variety, celebrity and public involvement. The 'Grab a Grand' part of 'Noel's House Party' in which a member of the audience would stand inside a booth while money would be blown around at high speed for the person to catch and deposit in a container attached the side of that booth has influenced the money element in my poster. The fist appears to be grabbing falling money one of the themes is money grabber.
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Takeaway bag
Band Aid

I have been designing some posters for my supermarket project and for one of my posters I have focussed on Supermarkets blurring the edges between eating out and takeaway food. Band aid in 1985 was a collaboration of differing singers and groups led by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure that aimed to raise money for suffering third world people. The song they produced was called 'Do they know its Christmas' and I remember my Nan playing it to me as a child the lyric- 'Feed the World' stuck in my memory because it sounded such a positive message. These words informed the takeaway bag part of my poster reflecting the world foods section at Supermarkets.
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Yellow Submarine (1968)
Matthew Richardson
Chris Corr

This is a piece by Chris Corr, an illustrator whos work has been inspired by his travels around the world. I love the charm and his vibrant colours depicting a world that 'He would like to live in'. I feel his work is childlike but sophisticated and it is no suprise to me that he is illustrating for children too.
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was the artist who I studied in the second year while completing my PostModernism essay. I felt that Warhol had made a significant contribution to the industry on many contemporary designers, myself included. What interested me was Warhol's experience as a commercial Illustrator before becoming a Pop Artist/Fine Artist. What is also interesting is working in a Supermarket I have noticed the 'Campbell's' soup label has become 'Batchelor's' soup, this image is now truly unique!

This is another influence on my self initiated project 'Shopped: The shocking power of british supermarkets'. Blythman documents how supermarkets bully suppliers, claim to offer customer choice but control what they stock and stock poor quality goods among many other points. Similarly to the fictional 'Kingdom Come' Blythman comments how supermarkets are taking the character out of places/towns.
Kingdom Come
Andrew Pavitt

This is a piece of work by Andrew Pavitt an Illustrator who did a talk in the second year and who similarly to Gillian Blease works with digital media. I instantly liked Andrew's style because of the clearness and simplicity of it again using pattern, form and shape. He talked of developing his own fonts being influenced by the 1975 film 'Rollerball' and to consider developing your work to expand into other areas such as card design.
Gillian Blease

This is an example of work by Gillian Blease who works with digital media in the formation of her visuals. What I like about Blease's work is the use of pattern, shape and form which is a way I like to work. I was interested in the versatility of her work because of its simple style especially with her experience in surface design with Jenny Duff.
Monday, 20 October 2008
Doctor Who- Changing faces
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
The Borg

Continuing with the theme of childhood interests this character- 'Locutus' was an influence on my face compositions. The idea of human nature being interfered with by an aggressive mechanical race, intergrating the individual mind into a collective intelligence reminded me of the Supermarket chain style of building over nature and influencing human behaviour.
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Sim City
Simon Bartram
Own Work
Friday, 3 October 2008
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